Wednesday 17 June 2015

Well, got some good news but being cautiously optomistic and trying to not get too excited just yet. Found out today our completed dossier has been translated and submitted to the MOJ for signature. Now I'm hoping that since they have already reviewed some of our documents when we expressed our intent to adopt a special child on their waiting child list, that our wait for signature now is not too bad. But again, trying to not get too excited so won't be disappointed if it continues to move slow.

You have to wonder though how hard this has to be on the kids who are waiting. They probably don't even know yet that someone is trying and working so hard to help them right now. They could be just sitting there wondering if someone will ever want them. I wish was a way to  let them know we're trying and someone cares. Give them some hope though this long process. No child should have to go through life alone.

Well, here's hoping for a quick process and travel dates for trip 1 very soon so at least we can tell him he is wanted and loved already.

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